发布时间:2019-08-01 11:06

Lecturer: Prof. Jim Detjen, Michigan State University

Venue: ACC Lecture Hall #3

Topic A: Climate Change –
How it will affect China, America and the World
Moderator: Dr. Terry Bodenhorn, Dean, College of Liberal Arts
Time: 16:00-17:30, 21 May, Mon. 2012

Topic B: Overview of How American journalism is Changing in 2012
Moderator: Prof. Peter Herford, Cheung Kong School of Journalism and Communication
Time: 20:00-21:30, 21 May, Mon. 2012

You are welcome!

Bio of Prof. Jim Detjen:

I am the Knight Professor of Journalism and the director of the Knight Center for Environmental Journalism at Michigan State University. I teach classes in environmental, science and health reporting. I am the founding president of the U.S. Society of Environmental Journalists and hope to meet with other journalists and educators to learn more about Chinese environmental issues during my stay. This is my second Fulbright. During the spring 2002 term I taught at Nankai University in Tianjin, China on my first Fulbright. My wife and our two sons accompanied me in 2002 and we travelled extensively throughout China.
My wife, Connie, a teacher in the Haslett Middle School in Haslett, Michigan, will come with me during the spring 2012 semester. We hope to explore more of China as well as visit parts of Southeast Asia. We enjoy hiking, bicycling, outdoor activities, travel and meeting new people.