发布时间:2019-08-01 11:06


(Big Data in Advertising: Connecting Consumers Behaviorally and Emotionally)

主讲:Larry Kelley  美国休斯顿大学传播学院广告系教授兼FKM广告公司的执行副总裁兼首席计划官

时间:12月13日晚19:30 (周二)


Larry Kelley简介

拥有超过25年广告从业经验的Professor Kelley,现就职于美国休斯顿大学传播学院任广告系教授,兼任FKM广告公司执行副总裁和首席计划官,负责媒介、调研、策划和互动部门工作,所管理部门的总收入达2.5亿美元。此前,他曾在BBDO、Bozell & Jacobs和the Bloom等广告公司担任高级管理层职位。作为广告行业的领导者之一,Professor Kelley曾赢得四次艾菲奖(EFFIE Awards)的广告效果奖项、美国广告奖(American Advertising Awards)的创意奖等。如今他是休斯顿广告联盟和美国广告公司协会的董事会的成员。除此之外,他还致力于教育事业的发展,由他撰写或与他人共同撰写的书籍已经出版了七本。他的书籍亦被选用为多所大学课程教材,年销量超过25万本。

大数据无疑是当下的热门话题。数据是冰冷的,但消费者不是,如何运用大数据从行为和情感上连接消费者是十分值得探讨的问题,Professor Kelley将结合自己丰富的广告从业与任教经验来为我们揭开大数据的神秘面纱。12月13日19:30,图书馆报告厅,敬请期待!

Topic: Big Data in Advertising: Connecting Consumers Behaviorally and Emotionally

SpeakerProfessor Larry Kelley from the University of Houston

Time: 7:30 pm on Tuesday, Dec. 13, 2016

Place: The Lecture Hall of the Library

Speaker Introduction:

Larry Kelley is a Professor of Advertising at the Jack J. Valenti School of Communication. He has been in the advertising industry as a practitioner for over 25 years. Professor Kelley most recently was Executive Vice President, Chief Planning Officer of FKM, where he was responsible for media, research, account planning and interactive departments of this $250 million dollar gross billing agency. Prior to joining FKM, he served in senior management roles for BBDO, Bozell & Jacobs and the Bloom Agency.

Professor Kelley has been recognized as an industry leader, including winning four EFFIES awards for advertising effectiveness as well as an Addy for creativity. He is widely quoted in the industry trade publications such as ADWEEK, Advertising Age and Media Week. He currently is on the board of the Houston Advertising Federation and the American Association of Advertising Agencies.

Professor Kelley has authored or co-authored seven books. Last year, cume sales for his textbooks passed 250,000 units sold. His books have been adopted by over 75 college/university programs including programs in Brazil and Korea.

Professor Kelley is the advisor to the American Advertising Federation’s student chapter at the University of Houston and the organization’s National Student Advertising Competition team.


