2017年9月, 新闻学院尼泊尔报道团第三次启程,聚焦新加入中国“一带一路”倡议的尼泊尔。
前金融时报记者Binod Bhattarai将与报道团成员一道,共同讲述尼泊尔加入“一带一路”后的真实发展全景。两名在尼泊尔媒实习六星期的成员还会分享他们在异国城市工作的见闻感想。(分享汇报为英语,幻灯片展示为中英双语。)
STU J-School’s Global Media Honors Program — Nepal Reporting Team will give a presentation entitled Nepal: Joining China’s “One Belt, One Road” and Eight Days in the Himalaya: A Trek in Langtang National Park, on Saturday, November 25th in the Library Theater from 7-9 p.m.
Students will show photographs and video documentaries, speak about their rugged journey to the only open Chinese-Nepal land border, and discuss Belt and Road development projects such as hydropower and infrastructure-building in Nepal. They’ll also discuss the implications of all the development for the region, especially on Langtang National Park, an area immediately adjacent to the OBOR projects where the team trekked in the Himalaya for eight days. Two students who interned with prominent Nepali magazine company ECS media for six weeks will also speak about their experience living and working in Kathmandu. With special guest and former Financial Times correspondent Binod Bhattarai. Presentation in English, with slides in English and Chinese.